gas used in car air conditioners

When using heat or air conditioning in your car does it waste gas.
Do Car Air Conditioners Have to Consume 7 Billion Gallons of Gas.
Does Turning The Car A/C Up Use More Gas? [Archive] - Straight.
Does Running Your Cars Air Conditioner Really Affect Gas Mileage.
How much gas would a 4 cylinder car use in a half hour if I let the engine run with the AC on? It is too darn hot here in Texas to sit outside or not.
Auto experts have claimed that AC is the wisest way to go, but MythBusters Jamie . With five gallons of gasoline in each tank, the MythBusters saddled up their.
4 gas-saving myths - May. 9, 2007 - CNN Money.
How much gas does a car use when idling? - Yahoo! Answers.
Does a car use up more gas when ac is running - Wiki Answers.
Fact or Fiction? Gas Myths Debunked - ABC News.
Aug 9, 2012. Would it not just run off the battery and not affect the gas usage? In a high-end car I would use an electric motor for the AC compressor to be.
See why here: -fuel. of 0-40 mph, it is best to roll down your windows so no gas will be used.
May 9, 2007. 4 gas-saving myths - Think you're stretching your gas dollars by killing the air conditioning or buying your gas on Wednesday? If your car comes equipped with cruise control, make sure you use it, especially on long trips.
Does running the air conditioning in the car waste or take up a lot of. a highway will use more gas than turning the air conditioner on, so the.
Does running car air conditioner burn more gas? Does air conditioning in cars use gas? Does a cars air conditioner use gas?? Why does air.